Friday, June 27, 2014

Freedom Summer

Over 10 memorable weeks in 1964 known as Freedom Summer, more than 700 student volunteers from around the country joined organizers and local African Americans in a historic effort to shatter the foundations of white supremacy in what was one of the nation’s most viciously racist, segregated states.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Evolution is a term to define only one organism and that's the self. The self is the universe, the self is the alpha and omega, god, and infinity, and that's the only thing that evolves because we are all part of the self. Nothing goes through an evolutionary process alone or without direct benefit to the whole. So when you begin to think that there's this controlling elite, this controlling hand behind the curtains leading the planet to destruction...
When you think the end is near, the apocalypse, Armageddon, and when you think we as a species are doomed, it is not they, it is you that brought this about, and for a very good reason. You are evolving. Stop blaming everybody and everything else. Quit panicking about global tyranny and natural disaster and pay attention, because the world is telling you something; it's tell you exactly what is wrong with you and how to fix it. (Excerpt from the film)

The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion

For thousands of years we have wrestled with the great questions of existence. Who are we? What is the world made of? How did we get here? The quest to answer these is the story of science.
Each week, medical journalist Michael Mosley traces the often unpredictable path we have taken. From recreating a famous alchemist’s experiment, to following in Galileo’s footsteps, and putting himself in the hands of a hypnotist, Michael unpicks how science has changed the way we see ourselves, and the way we see our world.
It is a tale of courage and of fear, of hope and disaster, of persistence and success. It interweaves great forces of history – revolutions, voyages of discovery and artistic movements – with practical, ingenious inventions and the dogged determination of experimenters and scientists.
This is the story of how history made science and how science made history, and how the ideas which emerged made the modern world.
1. What Is Out There? How we came to understand our planet was not at the center of everything in the cosmos.
2. What Is The World Made Of? How atomic theories and concepts of quantum physics underpin modern technology.
3. How Did We Get Here? Michael Mosley tells how scientists came to explain the diversity of life on earth.
4. Can We Have Unlimited Power? The story of how power has been harnessed from wind, steam and from inside the atom.
5. What is the Secret of Life? Michael Moseley tells the story of how the secret of life has been unraveled through the prism of the most complex organism known - the human body.
6. Who Are We? The twin sciences of brain anatomy and psychology have offered different visions of who we are. Now these sciences are coming together and in the process have revealed some surprising and uncomfortable truths about what really shapes our thoughts, feelings and desires.

The Lost World of Lake Vostok

It sometimes seems as if our planet has no secrets left - but deep beneath the great Antarctic ice sheet scientists have made an astonishing discovery. They’ve found one of the largest lakes in the world. It’s very existence defies belief. Scientists are desperate to get into the lake because its extreme environment may be home to unique flora and fauna, never seen before, and NASA are excited by what it could teach us about extraterrestrial life. But 4 kilometers of ice stand between the lake and the surface, and breaking this seal without contaminating the most pristine body of water on the planet is possibly one of the greatest challenges science faces in the 21st century.
In 1957 the Russians established a remote base in Antarctica - the Vostok station. It soon became a byword for hardship - dependent on an epic annual 1000km tractor journey from the coast for its supplies. The coldest temperature ever found on Earth (-89°C) was recorded here on the 21st July 1983. It’s an unlikely setting for a lake of liquid water. But in the 1970’s a British team used airborne radar to see beneath the ice, mapping the mountainous land buried by the Antarctic ice sheet. Flying near the Vostok base their radar trace suddenly went flat. They guessed that the flat trace could only be from water. It was the first evidence that the ice could be hiding a great secret.
But 20 years passed before their suspicions were confirmed, when satellites finally revealed that there was an enormous lake under the Vostok base. It is one of the largest lakes in the world - at 10,000 square km it's about the extent of Lake Ontario, but about twice as deep (500m in places). The theory was that it could only exist because the ice acts like a giant insulating blanket, trapping enough of the earth’s heat to melt the very bottom of the ice sheet.

Philosophy: Guide to Happiness

We tend to accept that people in authority must be right. It's this assumption that Socrates wanted us to challenge by urging us to think logically about the nonsense they often come out with, rather than being struck dumb by their aura of importance and air of suave certainty.
This six part series on philosophy is presented by popular British philosopher Alain de Botton, featuring six thinkers who have influenced history, and their ideas about the pursuit of the happy life.

The American Dream

The American Dream is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of the government system.
From the author: All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day?
The American Dream takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today.
You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Enigma of Flying Spheres

Of all the various kinds of UFO related phenomena, which have materialized, the so-called light spheres certainly hold a particularly important place. These objects have recently gained greater popularity thanks, in part, to the studies conducted by Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff. According to his theory the light spheres could be the cause behind crop circles with which they have often been associated, but the spheres began to appear many years ago.
During the Second World War airplane pilots on both sides of the war reported on several occasions that they were flanked by mysterious light spheres during their missions. These spheres could execute maneuvers that would have been impossible for the pilots' airplanes. Their many attempts to out strip the spheres and avoid pursuit were unsuccessful and, in fact, the spheres often seemed to anticipate the maneuvers of even the most experienced pilots.
They appeared in all areas involved in the war from Europe to the Far East and it was soon clear that they were not secret enemy weapons. They were given the name "foo-fighters" from a corruption of the French word “feu”. The objects appeared to be glowing bright spheres in colors ranging between red, orange, yellow, white, and green. The instruments aboard the planes experienced malfunctioning when these mysterious craft appeared and once radar technology became operative the pilots realized that the craft were not detected by their radar devices.
The phenomenon of flying spheres begins to manifest during the second World War during the air attacks among American, English, German, and, of course, Italian and Japanese air forces. They all reported a presence of these spheres. Each of them thought they were secret enemies' weapons and so they were frightened, as they moved with great freedom. They could come very close to or move away from airplanes, almost passing between them.
The committees established by both the Allies and the Germans to investigate the phenomenon did not officially reach any serious result. Initially the pilots and their superiors were bewildered and, understandably, afraid that the spheres were secret enemy weapons. They later became accustomed to this presence considering it innocuous. According to the pilots' statements, the objects were filmed on several occasions, but the films have since been kept in secret military archives.
Footage filmed by random witnesses began to appear in the 1950s. These films show the objects both alone and in groups and images confirm the statements made by the military pilots. Amongst the first to suggest that these craft may be extraterrestrial was the Polish-American, George Adamski, the first and most famous of the contactee - that is human beings who come into repeated contact with beings presumed to have come from other worlds.
Adamski declared that these flying objects were remote controlled surveying probes that extra planetary spaceships had launched into earth's orbit for study purposes. Their shape could be spherical or disc like and their size could vary from just a few centimeters to several meters in diameter. He filmed a number of them in flight. Over the course of the years further films added to the wealth of footage showing these mysterious craft, giving a sense of continuity to their mysterious presence and origins.
Watch the full documentary now -