Elliott divided her class by eye color — those with blue eyes and those with brown. On the first day, the blue-eyed children were told they were smarter, nicer, neater, and better than those with brown eyes.
Throughout the day, Elliott praised them and allowed them privileges such as a taking a longer recess and being first in the lunch line. In contrast, the brown-eyed children had to wear collars around their necks and their behavior and performance were criticized and ridiculed by Elliott.
On the second day, the roles were reversed and the blue-eyed children were made to feel inferior while the brown eyes were designated the dominant group. What happened over the course of the unique two-day exercise astonished both students and teacher.
On both days, children who were designated as inferior took on the look and behavior of genuinely inferior students, performing poorly on tests and other work.
Showing 71 comments
may god bless the world. this is very powerful and this exercise should still be done in many places around the would.
So, in short, you didn't learn anything from watching this film.
AUWR, A good human being; when i want to.Isn't it sad that i think that this exercise should still be done in many places around the globe?
AmalieWhen i meet people who seem racist or comes from familys where parents have told you (and media) that black do more bad stuff, i always ask "what if we all got the same skin color, oke? who is the bad guy? how do you sort out now? i think its the fear, easier to point fingers telling, hey its because he is black, hey its because he got a mental illness, people get a shock as soon they tell "he was a normally family guy" then you cant point fingers, damn what do we do then?
I got a mental illness, that learned me to think about racism, how awfull it is to hear in news when they point out "a black person (then the crime", they never say "a white person (then the crime" why is that?
I begin feeling victim, and its hard to accept and realized how evil some can be and how judgin.
Mental ill is dangerous, that you hear from media and movies.
Interesting enough, I lost friends i always known, when i got diagnosed and told them about it.
Now its so important for me to step up and open peoples eyes... -
RukiaBlackBlazerimagin OVER 400YRS IN THT ENVIRONEMENT, is either blacks r the most FORGIVING OR THE STRONGEST race MENTALLY, IF WE ARE SOULLY RESPONSIBIE FOR what've bcom NOW, YALL cant have it boths ways, oh right it's YOUR GAME YOUR RULES, U win! if not then lightskin folks should stop talk crazy to us, cause if it was them, they would've KILLED US IN OUR SLEEP, THE BABBIES TO.. but we're well trained my masters, jus gave us back the black family, ( """""1 love everybody sing it 1LOVE!"""""...) HOW's tht working out for blackwomen?? start promoting blackskin couples, not the darkman & the light woman, thts leave out the hand tht rocks the cCRIBE, LISTEN yall will never evr get blackmen to stop BREED WIT blackskin women, WE GOT HIS BACK FOR 20,000YRS NW, BUT they can effect our VALUE TO blackmen, so wat is ah wel educated, well off lonely blackwoman to teach her kids????,y they dont have a daddy, in the next to generations if Lightskin FOLKS DONT CHANGE? thenWAT?!
RukiaBlackBlazerso you would've been btr off not learning the truth? so u wouldve rather blame your mother & father? thts is y blacks true history isnt teached in schools, on a personal level, white america, feels it's only ah black issue, but being made to feel wat others may feel, is a bad thing???????? get 1 black spokesman, saying anything mean or slightly harsh to LIGHTSKIN FOLKS, & SEE HOW MUCH SUPPORT THEY GET FROM BLACKS, BUT WE all feel unworthy evryday we raise, as we fight to prove we're WORTHY, OFF RESPECT......... THOSE THT SCREAM an those tht conform quitely, still losing daily, how free can we be white masters?, this free, or tht free??? pls tel us lightskin folks created in god's beautiful lightskin image, pls tell us how to defend against yalll inner peaceful way white gods please, tell uss....
RukiaBlackBlazerhaa haa haa! yes everything i have experience was not bcus of my skin color milk/chocolate, jus tht am unevolved, it's time i stop blaming white folks for there unjust system, an pick my self up for my boot laces, haaa haa haa he ah comedian what else he's black ent? tht mofo ment it, ha ha ha.????..., yall real lucky as a blackwoman i would rather, curse yall asses out, then forget abt yall, than hitting yall wit ah bottle to the face, yall aint got no laws tht i kno off tht, says i cant curse yall out as loud as i can, then walk away, cause i kno we cant hit, so we curse yall out an move on, thts y at THIS POINT WE DONT WANNA MURDER YALL, JUS have a hearing!!! if white folks would jus listen!!!!!!!!!!!!! we'll feel heard, we dont wanna keep on being demonize, but dammmmmmmmmmn! even yall gods say, at some point, i had enough of this BS lets.. yall dont hav to gave up yall wealth, jus some off yall power, an your'll well trained mental slaves will forgave, we wanna MOVE ON soo bad but yall wouldnt...
RukiaBlackBlazerthe blue eyes tht were under pressure, do you think, they felt like every thing tht went wrong was because off there BLUE EYES/blackskin ? SO WAT THE HELL IS YOUR POINT??
RukiaBlackBlazerBLUE EYES, OPPRESS 1, WAT D HELL BLACK FOLKS GOTTA WATCH AN LEARN ABT HOW yal make us feel evryday??? we getting it from all lightskin folks now!, those tht R lighter skin ,gave off the same smell, off BLACK GET BACK AS WHITES DO, & LETS not get into yall marketing campaign, off trillions of $$$ well spent to hav it so, remember wen the blue eyes started to rebel? many was against rebellion, wat was said abt them, tht they cant act, intelligently, motivated? haa haa YOU'VE KILL ALL WHO WAS MOTIVATED & DEMONIZE THE REST, Till we kno bttr now, you gotta learn tht bcus you lightskin,think tht u're the best human kind has to offer , wit only 1or 2 browns you choose to let in,,, only EXPERIENCES LIKE THIS WILL EVR TEACH YALL ANYTHING, BLACKS SHOULD START KIDNAPING WHITE FOLKS OFF TO THESE LECTURES.... PLS LEARN NOW, BCUS IN ABT 2MRE GENERATIONS, BLACK EDUCATED MOTHERS will TEACH THEIR KIDS, THEIR HISTORY, PLUS HOW TO PLAY THE GAME, keep demonizing the BLAckwoman to her MEN, let these educated women end up alone an demonized, wit her smart money scenes, i wonder wat...
RukiaBlackBlazeru jus dont get it do u? the fact tht u cry unfair unfair, aftr jus seeing, this, or watchin white folks, be under pressure for a day? think abt ovr 400yrs of tht??? if a free human, fines it unfair, to bare for `1day, y keep askin me a blackwoman, to forget abt my constant hurt, yall gave us??? and stop talkin abt us like, yall can see us... this test upsets white folks, bcus if it was, yall under PRESSURE, yall would've killed us in our sleep, yall fear we want revenge, but NVR EVR considered, tht all we really want is a fair shot, at human dignity, the test nor the tester is THE F N issue! wat ws it purpose, to teach white folks wat it'S like being black in your world, an all watching finally understood wat being black is like, yall could've done it from a cow's /black ponit of view, then yall would've been like, ""SAVE THE COWS""", I GET IT NOW???? "" BUT I ONLY WENT TO SCHOOL FOR A COUPLE OF TERMS, WHAT THE F%#@K! DO MY DUMB BLACK ASS KNOWS??? ONLY wat yall thought meh, nothing mor or...
Actually the name of this experiment was called "The Stanford Prison Experiment" conducted my Philip Zimbardo in the 1970's. You can find it by clicking onhttp://www.prisonexp.org/ .
This was a paper we had to write about at American Intercontinental University instructed my Professor Kenya Lawton. -
LarrytheLaymanSimilar experiments like this have been carried out with similar results. I remember reading about one, when they had a bunch of people, split the group in two, had one bunch be the prisoners, the other bunch be the guards. I think it was after something like 4 days or so they had to stop the experiement. Something similar happened a fair few years ago, but this was televised. It was on the BBC or channel 4 called The Experiment. That too had to be cancelled after so many days. Just placing someone in an environment is enough to have them act like the environment dictates.
Yes... it was called The Wave (which was also based on a true life California experiment). It was a HUGELY revealing film on how Hitler's Germany came to be. We all think it can't happen again or here. But those who say that are doomed to repeat it. This & the film The Wave are proof.
wheelnut53granted this was back in either 1959 or 1960 before grief counselors and school nurses . No one bothered to ask me why I had a chip on my shoulder from then on
RadientElliot mentions how she thinks this kind of experiment can do good.. and/or harm to children.. I think that is important to remember too.. I suppose an adult could better process and be debriefed after the program.
RadientInterestingly.. there were no blind people.. people born without eyes.. they wud be the true outlaws I suppose.
RadientI think that is the point Elliot was trying to make.. the idea of discrimination creating an emotional effect on another person.
Radientand/or people of mixed eye color.. Which is similar to biracial people passing as white.. Or it even could be, in this case, someone where colored contact lenses to change their eye color??
Radientyour comment raises the thought about how teaching a history lesson can create an emotional response in people, like feeling inferior (or superior) to others.. or just feeling hopeless or some other hurt or sad feeling. I wonder if part of teaching about the history of slavery should include some kind of preface about how it can make people feel.. and/or offering people who have feelings that are troubling them, after receiving the information, a place to go or people to talk to about their feelings.. a kind of debriefing?
Lorenzo Medina, WarchildWell, Mr. Scientist! This is only a sample of how people plant racism in children's minds. The fact is that racist parents raise racist children. Some children become racist because of ethnic identity, compliance, peer pressure, interests, profits, benefits, status and so on. Others learn through training like hItler's youth. Others simple adopt racism as a way of survival. They are losers and are left only with the white card and they use it to put others down, just like the majority of neo-nazis and white supremacists today. I know you dismissed it because you are not sure how you feel!
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